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Recognition - Research - Rehabilitation
NHS Your Covid Recovery - Information and support around Covid and Long Covid recovery (will be decommissioned end March 2024.)
NHS.uk - information on Long Covid including location of clinics
Supporting Long Covid Care - a tool informed by the findings of the STIMULATE-ICP active case finding and HI-COVE studies which seek to understand experiences of Long Covid in order to support people’s help seeking
Long Covid Physio - Long Covid rehabilitation resources can be found here, including advice on pacing and breathing pattern disorders
Physios for M.E. - Resources and information on pacing and heart rate monitoring by physiotherapists with a special interest in ME.
Long Covid and Diet - Useful evidence-based dietary advice from the British Dietetic Association
Nutrition and COVID-19 recovery knowledge hub - from the University of Plymouth: A ‘one stop shop’ of information to support recovery from COVID-19 through nutritional care
Co-occurring Conditions
AbScent - Information and support for those affected by loss of smell and taste
PoTS UK - Support for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome
British Heart Foundation - Information on chest and heart problems following Covid-19 infection
Asthma + Lung UK - Long Covid related lung and breathing problems
Tinnitus UK - Support for those with tinnitus
Fifth Sense - Support for problems with changes to or loss of smell and taste
Mind - Information and support for mental health conditions
PTSD UK - Information and support for people with PTSD
Samaritans - Listening and support for anyone having a difficult time
The ME Association - Help for people with ME/CFS and Long Covid
Action for M.E - Support, information and resources for people with M.E
Mast Cell Action - Support for people affected by Mast Cell Disease
Fibromyalgia Action - Support for people with Fibromyalgia, including a telephone helpline
The Migraine Trust - Improving the lives of people living with migraine