To help us launch our charity can you Take the Plunge for Long Covid SOS?
Have a sponsored splash any way you are able so we can continue to send out our SOS
Have a dip in the sea, or just your fingers & toes
Jump in a puddle
Pour a bucket of cold water over your head
Be inventive and most importantly HAVE FUN!
We’d love to see your photos or videos - let’s raise as much money as possible so we can do more to throw a lifeline to people living with Long Covid
Share your photos and videos on social media and tag us!
Whatever you decide to do, be sure to always follow the water safety code!

How to raise funds for our charity:
The easiest way is to start a fundraiser on Just Giving. You can link your page to our charity campaign directly here
Use the 'Donate' page on our website to send the funds you raise
You can send us a cheque once you've completed your challenge payable to Long Covid SOS. Please send it to:
11A, Westland Road
You can also make a BACS transfer to our charity account number 79180468, Sort Code 30-96-26