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Recognition - Research - Rehabilitation
Long Covid Kids - Support for children and young people living with long covid and their parents and caregivers.
Child Law Advice - Information on what constitutes disability discrimination in education and explains the duties of education providers to not discriminate against pupils on the basis of their disability.
Gov.uk - Disability rights in education.
Young Carers
For information and support see the NHS guide to Help for Young Carers and the Carers Trust.
Higher Education
All universities and higher education colleges should have a person in charge of disability issues that you can talk to about the support they offer.
Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) - Support to cover study-related costs you have because of a mental health problem, long term illness or disability.
Applying for DSA - A guide to applying for Disabled Students’ Allowances from Disability Rights UK. They also have a guide for students on telling people you’re disabled which can be accessed here.